Before whole-heartedly entering the world of Blogging, we will have a general membership vote. This sample post is only to show and explain what could be. Until a time that a vote has been taken, I will not be posting any photos of any members' work, except my own, again, as an example.
Here is some important information that I hope might answer some of your questions:
~ This website may be viewed by anyone. This has been suggested for ease of access, so that none of our members would have to sign up to other outside sites, such as Facebook, to access any content. Also, I have found inspiration from other Guilds' websites, and hope we could offer the same inspiration. One more plus, if you would like to show off a picture to your family or friends, they can easily view the photo on this site!
~ Comments may be made by anyone (again, this is so that nobody has to become a member of any specific site to leave comments), however, comments will not show up on the webpage until approved by myself. This means that all comments will first come to my email, and await my approval before being made public.
~ We will add a question to the history form that we fill out before Show & Tell, asking whether you give permission for a photo of your quilt to appear on our "Electronic Newsletter".
~ I don't know about you, but I am not photogenic, and get rather embarrassed when a bad picture of me shows up online. Therefore, all photos will be cropped so that only your quilt will be displayed, and not your windswept hair after a trying drive to town.
I really hope that you are a fan of this idea. You have two guild historians who are very excited about the possibilities of actually having something become of all of those "Please stand still!!!" photos. :-) If you have any questions, please email me, or post them as comments, or give me a call. My information is in the quild contact list.
Yours in quilting,
Next year's historian,
Melissa McDermid