Tuesday, 28 May 2019

May 2019 - Island Quilters Guild Show & Tell

We had some beautiful quilt projects shown at our May meeting and the following photos can't do justice to them because you can't see them up close!
Brenda helped our visitor show the wedding quilt she is working on as she and her husband travel across Canada

Bonnie shows the Current Guild raffle quilt

Donna quilted this king size on her domestic machine!!

Freda made this for her son

Freda made these to take to Nova Scotia

Kathy showed what she can make with tiny triangle scraps!

Myrna finished project from Elaine Quehl workshop

Pat has been trying all the BOMs - this is the card trick block

Rolanda made this 'quilt as you go' project to show us how and for a gift

Sally made this quilt as a gift

Sheila made this star table runner

Sheila's unique placemats

Sheila hand embroidered all these ladies and then made this quilt

Vicki created this welcoming quilt banner